Eggen/Greenstein white dwarf 249


Catalog numbers:
     Gliese & Jahreiss (GJ) 1112, Luyten Half-Second (LHS) 2022, Eggen/Greenstein white dwarf (EG) 249
Arity: singular
Right Ascension and Declination: 8h27m32s, +32°52'23" (epoch 1950.0)
Distance from Sol: 71.8 light-years (22.0 parsecs)
Standard error in distance: 7.7236%
Source for distance: Gliese
Celestial (X,Y,Z) coordinates in ly: -36.2, 48.3, 39.0
Galactic (X,Y,Z) coordinates in ly: -58.5, -10.5, 40.3
Proper motion: 0.548 arcsec/yr (195.6° from north)
Radial Velocity: -18 km/sec
Source for proper motion and radial velocity: Gliese
Galactic (U,V,W) velocity components in km/s: 8.49, -49.5, -32.7

What do all these fields mean?

Spectral class: DA7
Luminosity Class: wd
Apparent visual magnitude: +15.72
Absolute visual magnitude: +14.01
Visual luminosity: 0.00022 x Sol
Color indices: B-V= +0.30, U-B= -0.54
Comfort Zone (visual): 0.015 A.U.s

but not more than light-years away
Data for this star system were most recently updated on 4-April-2001.